檔案狀態:    住戶編號:638964
 ✿❤遠方的寂靜❤✿ 的日記本
達拉星球 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 貪婪
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: Communication
作者: ✿❤遠方的寂靜❤✿ 日期: 2013.05.20  天氣:  心情:

The Cardigans- Communication

For twenty seven years I ve been trying 在27歲以前我嘗試著
To believe and confide in 去相信與信任
Different people I found 不一樣的人
Some of them got closer than others 有些人關閉了其他事物
And some wouldn t even bother 有些人不想為誰操心
And then you came around 然後你來訪
I didn t really know what to call you 我真的不知道該要求你什麼
You didn t know me at all 你也完全不瞭解我
But I was happy to explain 但是我很樂意去說明
I never really knew how to move you 我從來不曉得該怎麼去跟隨你
So I tried to intrude through 所以試著經由
The little holes in your veins 些許漏洞闖入你的情緒
And I saw you 而我看見了你
But that s not an invitation 但是那裡並沒有邀請我
That s all I get 我得到的就這些
If this is communication 如果這是個通訊
I disconnect 我斷線了
I ve seen you, I know you 我看見你 我知道你
But I don t know how to connect 但是我不曉得如何去聯繫
So I disconnect 所以我斷線了
You always seem to know where to find me 你一直都瞭解在哪裡可以找到我
And I m still here behind you 我依然就在你的身邊
In the corner of your eye 你的目光就在某個角落
I ll never really learn how to love you 我從來不曉得如何去愛你
But I know that I love you 但是我知道我是愛你的
Through the hole in the sky 穿過那個洞之後是天堂
Where I see you 在那裡我看見你

But that s not an invitation 但是那裡並沒有邀請我
That s all I get 我得到的就這些
If this is communication 如果這是個通訊
I disconnect 我斷線了
I ve seen you, I know you 我看見你 我知道你
But I don t know how to connect 但是我不曉得如何去聯繫
So I disconnect 所以我斷線了
Well, this is an invitation 適當地 這是一個吸引
It s not a threat 是不會造成威脅的
If you want communication 如果是你想要傳訊
That s what you get 那麼你會得到什麼
I m talking and talking 我不停的談論
But I don t know how to connect 但是我不曉得如何去聯繫
And I hold a record for being patient 我保持著耐心
With your kind of hesitation 跟著你有幾分猶豫
I need you, you want me 我需要你 你需要我
But I don t know how to connect 但是我不曉得如何去聯繫
So I disconnect 所以我斷線了
I disconnect 我斷線
瀏覽次數:98    人氣指數:2098    累積鼓勵:100
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
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