1. 百年戰爭(英法)到底打了多久?
2. 巴拿馬帽PANAMA HAT是那個國家製造的?
3. 貓腸CAT GUTS是從那種動物身上來的?
4. 俄國人在那一個月慶祝十月革命?
5. 駱駝毛刷CAMEL'S HAIR BRUSH是用什麼毛造的?
6. 太平洋的金絲雀群島CANARY ISLANDS是以什麼動物命名的?
7. 英皇喬治五世KING GEORGE VI的名字是什麼?
8. 紫織布鳥PURPLE FINCH是什麼顏色的?
10. 客機上的黑盒子BLACK BOX是什麼顏色?
1. 100
2. 巴拿馬
3. CAT
4. 10
5. 駱駝
6. 金絲雀
8. 紫
9. 中國
10. 黑
恭 喜 你 ---0分。
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藍色英文字體與你分享 (='_'=)
1.百年戰爭(英法)到底打了多久??>>> 116年
( The Hundred Years War, lasting from 1337 until 1453, was a defining time for the history of both England and France . The war started in May 1337 when King Philip VI of France attempted to confiscate the English territories in the duchy of Aquitaine (located Southwestern France ). It ended in July 1453 when the French finally expelled the English from the continent (except for Calais ) by force. The Hundred Years War were a series of chevauchees (plundering raids), sieges and naval battles interspersed with truces and uneasy peace.)
2.巴拿馬帽Panama hat是那個國家製造的??>>>>> 厄瓜多爾 (Ecuador)
(The Panama hat has been worn for centuries with its origins being traced back as far as the 16th Century when the Incas were the first to use the Toquilla plant to produce hats. The hat in fact only became known as the Panama when over a century ago the workers involved in the construction of the Panama Canal used the elegant fibre hats as protection against the burning sun.)
3.貓腸Cat guts是從那種動物身上來的?? >>>>> 羊和馬
( The reason for the common misconception that gut string was made from cats has a few different theories. One such theory, according to Babolat, is that in the Middle Ages Welsh Troubadours played an instrument that sounded like a cat meowing. The English called this instrument a cat and its string was called cat gut.)
(Russian had their own calender, Julian calender)
5.駱駝毛刷Camel's hair brush是用什麼毛造的??>>>> 松鼠毛Squirrelfur
(This is the trade name for brushes made of squirrel, goat, pony, bear, sheep or a blend of the above. They range greatly in softness, quality and cost. Actual camel hair is too woolly for brushes.)
6.太平洋的金絲雀群島Canary Islands是以什麼動物命名的??>>>>> 狗
(The name comes from the Latin Insularia Canaria meaning Island of the Dogs, a name applied originally only to the island of Gran Canaria.)
7.英皇喬治五世King George VI的名字是什麼? >>>> Albert
(Albert Frederick Arthur George Windsor)
8.紫織布鳥Purple finch是什麼顏色的??>>>>>深紅色
9.中國醋栗Chinese gooseberry是在哪裡出產的??>>>紐西蘭(澳洲也有,它就是奇異果)
(Actinidia deliciosa is native to southwest China, and Actinidia chinensis is very common in the lower elevations of southeast China. Other species of Actinidia are also found in China and range into southeastern Siberia.
Cultivation spread from China in the early 20th century, when seeds were introduced to New Zealand by Isabel Fraser, the principal of Wanganui Girls' College, who had been visiting mission schools in China. The seeds were planted in 1906 by a Wanganui nurseryman, Alexander Allison, with the vines first fruiting in 1910. People who tasted the fruit then thought it had a gooseberry flavour and began to call it the Chinese Gooseberry, but being from the actinidia family it is not related to the Grossulariaceae (gooseberry) family.)
10.客機上的黑盒Black Box是什麼顏色的??>>>>橙色
( black means secret only)