檔案狀態:    住戶編號:494525
 CaspAr 的日記本
Prism&Prison 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Hit on Me?
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 我造了什麼孽?....
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2006.07.18  天氣:  心情:

Pic:  Grand Canyon National Park, South Rim, Arizona


Ming千里迢迢 的從DC 來到了 NM..... 抱著身為建築人剛離開學校的一點理想  一股熱誠 .....  飛了兩千英里   爲的就是那故宮南院.......

Ming一直掙扎許久  該隻身前往那兩千英裡外的沙漠嘛??  左右腦爭戰了一個月.......  好不容易等到了12月 故宮簽下了合約   政府也動了破土儀式......似乎一切都邁向軌道之後....  Ming 投了履歷  順利進了這公司.......  也理所當然的 Ming被砍了7K 的年薪....   
Ming被嘲笑著.... "哪有人換工作薪水越來越少的....."   
Ming放棄了去洛杉磯  放棄了去舊金山的機會  就這樣一然而然的隻身來到了這荒莫  心中那股唯一僅存的熱誠伴隨著Ming在這美國"中土"裡奮戰..... 一個月 兩個月........  雖然很累 但是Ming卻很有成就感   默默的在爲那Ming熟悉的文化  所熟悉的國度 作著那喜歡做的事情..... 並不奢求會因為如此被大家認識   只希望它真的能在嘉義太保被蓋出來...... 

正所謂事事難料  人算不如天算
  游院長下臺.... 總統府撤換閣揆.... 理所當然的政府機關各部會一級長官也跟著撤換   理所當然的故宮官派的館長也逃不過這一劫....

二月...... 新任故宮館長很顯然的   對前任館長與公司間原有的設計協議很有意見..... 老闆在設計會議簡報裡被飆得很不爽 .... 大幅的調整設計的內容.....@@

三月..... 新館長與老闆暗地裡較勁......  依照合約 公司按時的交圖招開設計協調會....... 相對之下 故宮確屢次不支付合約內議定的設計費用..... 故宮一連兩各階段將近六個月不支付半毛的設計費..... 

四月....老闆終於火大了..... 撤掉了這個案子所有的設計師........ 正與律師協商 要正式對故宮提出告訴.....

AP: "Ming, whats wrong with those officials??? they havent paid us a single dollar...... I am really sick of this......so BUREAUCRATIC!!! I am going to sue them if them still dont pay us...... "

Ming:"..........I really dont know what is going on........"
台灣真是丟臉都到家了   作事跟土匪沒兩樣......[:|][:|]

五月.......爆出了沒人敢說話的"Sogo禮卷案" ......相繼又來了一個熱到燙屁股的 "駙馬爺台開案"...... [:|]   雪球越滾越大..... 

六月..... 駙馬爺 正式被羈押  收押禁見.....   總統罷免案 正式提案....  相繼的在野黨團又要提案......"倒閣".....  言下之意  目前各部會首長政處於"放暑假"階段....天曉得哪時候要回家"吃自己"????   當然故宮也不例外的加入這放暑假的行列........完全不理會所虧欠的設計費用......所謂能托就托......反正暑期休假中.......[:|][:|]   

七月...... 老闆進開刀房動膝蓋手術.....  手術前的的週末..... 老闆集合了全公司的人開會 為大家作了一個簡單的業務報告.......

AP: "I think we are going to do another competition in Prague.... You all did a great jod for the New Silk Road competition...... this year is the WORST time in my whole career life...... the most main 2 projects, Human Right Museum in Canda and the NPM project in Taiwan......Canada is still fine.... at least they paid us on time....we are just kinda waiting for their responses to keep moving on......But i am really sick of the bureaucratic of Taiwan.... They havent paid us for the past 8 months.....I am really pissed off..... We did so much works but, I dont know why they dont pay us..... I really dont like to layoff people work for me, but we almost spent all the money from Canada...  So, I think we need to do more competition and try to get some money...... I know you guys all tired.... but this is the only way..... because i really dont want to layoff anyone of you guys here...........
Ming.....do you have any ideas why taiwan dont pay us????....I feel like they dont care about this ... what you think??? ...

Ming: " Sigh..... I think no one cares about this project for now..... beacuse President Chen is in a big trouble now..... and the whole DPP is in a big trouble, too.... KMT might recall all the government positions... including the curator of National Palace Museum....so, i think no one wants to make the decision for now..........."

AP: "What??!  AGAIN??!! What is going on in Taiwan....?? What happened to president Chen???....."

Ming: "......It is not easy to say...... His son-in-law just been charged for stock market insider trading...... and his wife been accused of another under table things like that...... so the KMT just proposed to recall President Chen's position to force him to step down..... If it doesnt succeed....KMT is going to propose to recall Prime Minister's position, which is easier and very possiblly will happen.......if it happens the curator of NPM will definitely change again....... .......  "

Ming 真的是話越說越小聲.....頭越來越低.....臉越來越紅.....手汗越冒越多......... 我招誰惹誰???   被起訴的人都還用鼻孔看人勒......我何必不好意思勒?????

NPM This project is going to be put on hold untill no one knows when it is gonna come back..........

Should i wait for it.... or just fuck it????


瀏覽次數:1108    人氣指數:34388    累積鼓勵:1664
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
Prism&Prison 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Hit on Me?
時間:2006-10-18 12:27
她, 39歲,New South Wales,其他
時間:2006-08-09 14:16
他, 55歲,San Francisco,教育研究
時間:2006-08-09 14:11
他, 55歲,San Francisco,教育研究
時間:2006-08-08 00:54
她, 99歲,屏東縣,行銷
時間:2006-07-19 23:47
他, 36歲,連江縣,學生
時間:2006-07-19 21:30
她, 48歲,雲林縣,其他
時間:2006-07-19 16:26
她, 47歲,台北市,資訊
時間:2006-07-18 22:52
他, 55歲,San Francisco,教育研究
