檔案狀態:    住戶編號:494525
 CaspAr 的日記本
Another1stTime 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 MyOwnParty!!
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: Screw You?!
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2006.08.26  天氣:  心情:

Pic: 就是那個光~~

Aug. 23, 2006

Screw You?!!

自從Kaka(Karole)搬到Ming的辦公室區域後 一向號稱全公司最安靜的辦公室 瞬間變成最活絡 人口流動最多的區域 公司二頭目也不時的往這裡鑽 難道是本區域鹹魚翻身嗎?? 就連久久才進公司一次的老闆也不時的在這區域徘徊...... @@ 害得Ming上網越來越不方便.......

下午五點左右 二頭目Paul走了進來......

P: " Hey..... K, Antoine said he will be here in 15 mins....... "

K: " What?! Its 5 o'clock. what the hell is he coming here for??!!"

P: "I dont know..... maybe he just want to talk to you about the competition..... just prepare something to talk to him..."

真是老奸巨猾的老闆 明明剩半個小時就下班了 竟然選擇下班前15分鐘來公司查勤??!! 好賊阿~~ 真是尷尬的時間 要偷溜回家也不是 要留下來也不是..... 這下尷尬了.....@@ 趁著老闆來之前 偷溜到外面抽了一管煙...... 心想應該不會這麼早進來吧...... 沒想到這老頭子動作還滿快的....@@ Ming抽完煙進來時 竟然已經坐在Ming的對面....... 真是ㄘㄨㄚ‵ ㄙㄞ‵

跟老闆打了招呼 乖乖的回到螢幕前繼續畫圖....... 辦公桌對面傳了一陣聲音...

AP: "Ming, I might need to go a meeting for NPM in Taiwan..... Before i go this meeting can i ask you some questions??!!"

M: "Sure, shoot please....."

AP: "How do you say "Screw you" in chinese??!!"

M: "WHAT?!! Screw you??!! ...... oh~~good lord.... why you wanna know that??? It's not a good term........"

AP: "Come on.... tell me.... you do speak "screw you" in chinese right??!"

Ming: "yeah..... we do...... it is.. 去你的...... 去...你...的.... 去你的..."

AP: "Ching-i-da....."

Ming: "去你的.... its more like a "Ni" in the 2nd place ..... "你~~"的...."

AP: "Chi Ni Da.......Chi Ni Da...."
看著這快70歲的老頭噘著嘴巴 拼命的想擠出這三個字 一副要抽筋的樣子 真是覺得很好笑也很可愛....@@

Ming: "perfect!! You got it....!! almost there...... "

AP: "Karole, wright it down for me...... chi-ni-da...... Ming, 2nd question, how you say "bastard" in chinese??!!"

Ming: "WHAT?!! No.. No~~~ Antoine,NO..!! gesus, why you always ask me those terms..... you should ask me some good terms like "sexy", "pretty", "cute"... instead..... "Bastard" its absolutely not a good word "

AP: "Lets deal with that later..... tell me how to say that, and I will tell you why I wanna know.....come on say it...."

Ming: "oh... god..... this one is longer... "混蛋王八蛋"... 混蛋....王八蛋......混蛋王八蛋"

AP: "hun.....dan wang.....ba-dan...... hun-dan wang-ba-dan "

Ming: "good lord.... I WILL BE DAMN!!.... i am impressive..... its perfect!!....."

AP: "Chi-Ni-Da..... Hun-Dan Wang-Ba-Dan....
can you tell what i just said??!!"

Ming: " yeah.... close enough..... "

AP: "Is that still the same thing like..."Screw You Bastard" in English???"

Ming: "yeah.... i believe so.... its the same thing....."

AP: "Karole, wright it down for me...... ok, let me tell you my plan and why I want to learn this...... I might fly to Taiwan and have a meeting with NPM.... you know, have the meeting with them in their conference room. They have this big round table, and there have small microphones come out from the table and everyone just face each other. ok?! When its my turn to speak, I am gonna stand up, and have eye contack with everyone of them to draw their attention 1st. But I am not goint to say anything the first 20 seconds, I am just gonna stand there look at them without saying anything. Then, I am just pop out....

"Chi-Ni-Da Hun-Dan Wang-Ba-Dan"

 this gonna be my first word to say..... how about that??!! "

在座的五個人 每個人都是一樣的反應.......
"WHAT??!!`what the hell......"
除了狂笑 還是狂笑......@@

Ming 只能說......

"老闆......你真他媽的屌~~ 阿......."

瀏覽次數:714    人氣指數:28074    累積鼓勵:1368
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
Another1stTime 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 MyOwnParty!!
時間:2006-10-10 18:32
他, 58歲,台中市,製造/供應商
時間:2006-09-14 16:00
她, 39歲,New South Wales,其他
時間:2006-09-13 23:51
她, 42歲,台北市,經商
時間:2006-09-01 13:16
她, 36歲,台南市,學生
時間:2006-09-01 12:31
她, 43歲,亞洲其他,服務
時間:2006-09-01 11:03
她, 99歲,San Francisco,其他
時間:2006-09-01 09:53
她, 99歲,台中市,教育研究
時間:2006-09-01 07:00
他, 99歲,非洲,服務
時間:2006-09-01 00:47
她, 36歲,新北市,其他
時間:2006-09-01 00:39
她, 39歲,San Francisco,家管

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