PIC: Ming的手工牛肉餡餅
Oct. 7th, Friday, 2006
The Moon, USA
From: ming@predock.com Subject: Happy Chinese Moon Festival!! Date:October 6, 2006 11:07:25 AM MDT
To: echilds@wXgarch.com, LHodges@wXgarch.com, re_worked@yaXoo.com, kkarch@wXgarch.com, mlam@wXgarch.com, JLin@wXgarch.com, vmehrabian@wXgarch.com, hmatsui@wXgarch.com, ttran@caXtel.com, emmyy1125@gXail.com
Its one of the most important holiday for chinese today... hope the weather up there in DC is good enough to see the full moon tonight.... if so, I hope u can tell the difference, which I never did..
I miss chinese BBQ so~~~ much!!!
oh, by the way......
beware!!...... wolfman out there tonight, if you hangout.... its FULL MOON today.........
just kidding......haha
happy weekend guys...
異地沙漠裡的中秋夜 顯得格外的寂靜 亦似乎是沙漠的地景讓月兒更圓更亮...... 如似電影一般... 朦朧泛黃的光暈 將夜空點綴的如詩如畫...... 第四個在異地的中秋帩帩地拜訪了隻身在沙漠的Ming.....
一如往常異地的鄉愁大過於歡慶的喜悅...... 反倒是又給老天一記當頭棒喝......@@ 舉頭望明月 無語問蒼天.... .....
下班前與2M-Peter 言談之中不經意提及了今夜是中秋.... 跟2M-Peter一起去看了這部明年奧斯卡的熱門大戲...... The Departed (神鬼無間)...AKA...西洋版-無間道
2M-P: "Moon Festival?? So. its gonna be full moon tonight?? What you usually do for celebration??"
Ming: "Its kinda like a family reunion thing during the year.... a little bit like Christmas here... u know, family members get together eating moon cake, or BBQ... just no gifts like christmas...."
2M-P: "oh.. ok.... sounds a great deal.... just eat no gifts.... so, what you gonna do tonight??"
Ming: "I dont know.... maye go to see a movie or something..... I kinda want to see "The Departed". It just came out yesterday....Martin Scorsese direct this movie"
2M-P: "Martin Scorsese?? No kidding?? I like the director, what is this movie about??"
Ming: "Its a undercover cop and a undercover gangster story.... the bad guy isnt really a bad guy, the good guy isnt really a good guy..... u know, just try to fuck up all the characters in the movie. the original movie is from HongKong, they bought the copyright and refilm it...... "
2M-P: "Sounds cool and intense.... Lets go together.... I will give you a call after I finish the ride with Zac.... is that alright?!"
就這樣晚上跟這位身高兩公尺整的Peter 一起去看了電影..... 兩人走在人煙稀少的市區裡 看起來很中國..... 恩... 很像七爺八爺一同出巡.....@@
到了戲院 遲到了有點久 於是兩人決定看下一場次的電影..... 晃到了附近的Pizza店 簡單的吃了晚餐... 排隊點餐之際 後方來了三位辣妹....
"Hey!! do something!!"
Ming: "Peter, the girl just behinde us are so damn hot...!! You see that??"
2M-P: "yeah, i know.... I saw them...."
Ming: "Why didnt you do something??? Ask them if they wanna go to the movie with us??"
2M-P: "How about i say.... EXCUSE ME, MAY I BORROW THE PEPPER AND NAPKIN?? Ming... Stop..stop.. this is Albuquerque not DC... It wont work that way...."
Ming: "Give me a break... thats crap....man...."
2M-P: "Still 2 hours left... where you gonna go after this?? we wanna go back to your place watch TV or hanging around and grab some beers???"
Ming: "Lets go wherever those 3 girls go... how about that??"
2M-P :"Thats a good call Ming..... lets do it....."
當然 七爺八爺沒跟著這三位辣妹走 而另外到了附近的另一間酒吧....."殺時間"..... 也遇到了前一陣子剛離職的同事.... 所以四個人便順便一起..."殺時間".....
也在這時後 "老天爺"再度給了Ming一個當頭棒喝.....@@
"You" better had arranged a great future which is waiting for me out there.... "You" are fucking taking away everything I got here..... "You" wanna fuck with me....Fine... BRING IT ON!!.....
2M-P: " Ming, I gotta tell you something.... I am leaving the office..... "
Ming: "What the fuck are you saying ?? you leaving?? what the fuck is that mean??"
2M-P: "I might go back to school for photographgic.... you know I am not that much into architecture.... so, I decide to go back to school in Spain...... "
Ming: "Oh....shit... Fuck you..you baster... when the fuck did this happen??"
2M-P: "I just got the admission 2 days ago..... I need to go before January....."
Ming: "Damn.... Everybody is leaving... I am the only one left.... Damn it!!"
2M-P: "I am sorry Ming... I wasnt expecting it will happen so quick.....man.... I just wanted to tell you earlier today..... you are the only office people knows this.... ok? Keep it as a secret for me for a while.....ok?? "
Ming: "come on... lets go to the bar... "
2M-P: "Now what?!!.. Ming... I need to watch these stuff and cloths..... no one is here if we both gone...."
Ming: "Screw that... just move your fucking ass... I wanna buy you a shot.... come on..." ..... .... ... .. .
七爺八爺就這樣的走向了吧台.... Ming跟酒保點了兩杯Tequila.....
Ming: " Can I get 2 Tequila STRAIGHT.... please.... and put it on my tab..... thank you....."
Ming: "Here you go Peter.... You might become the happiest American in Spain, Congratulations!! ....and FUCK YOU for leaving me here...... "
無間道?!!...... 我的生活還真無間道......@@
Ming 在沙漠唯一的好朋友/新朋友 也快要離開了.....
Everybody left....
Now, I am not only the only ALIEN in office but also the youngest fucking ROOKIE plus the only fucking stupid single employee without any relationships...@@
What the fuck I am gonna do???
How the fuck would I know??