檔案狀態:    住戶編號:494525
 CaspAr 的日記本
WorldSeries!! 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 ThxGuys...II
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: ThxGuys...I
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2006.11.03  天氣:  心情:

Pic: MY Birthday Card

Oct. 30th, 2006 

27號清晨 Ming背起了行囊 在Annie的陪伴下來到了機場  趟上了一段城市鄉巴佬再度進城的奇遇..... 
坐上了西北航空624號班機  飛了半個美國/2000英里   前往華府/Washington DC 渡過了一個人生最難忘的生日 Ming那30歲的生日....... 

K 請了半天假 來到了杜拉斯國際機場...... 4:30 Ming 降落在那美國充滿最多回憶的DC...... 一路驅車前往市區..... 聽了不少公司的八卦...... 

其中最勁爆的 那位惡名昭彰的principal R 先生 又被炒魷魚了..... 在美國   能做到principal 而且還能被炒兩次魷魚 是多麼不簡單的事...... 

這位當時給Ming 面試的R先生 又再次中標啦......@@   
另外 Principal D先生 今年終於榮升Partner.... 
當然K 將會是最大受益人之一..... 因為K 是 D總裁的親信與頭號大將..... 

K: " K: "Durwood, can I leave early today??"
       D: "NO!! for what?!!"
       K: "Ok.... I guess Ming have to wait in the freezing airport for 3  

       D: "Is he coming back again??!!" 
       K: "Yes.... he is flying-in for his 30th birthday....." 
      D: "really..... that little guy is turnning 30??!! ok..... just dont let 
           him drink...... "" 

M: "oh no.... thats a bad impression.......@@" 

K: "Come on, dont worry.....he was just kidding...... he likes you..... you know, if you get bored in New Mexico and want to move back here I can get you in if you want to......." 

一路上聊著...... 就這麼到了市區 來到那過往最常聚集的地方......... Bravo Bravo...... 兩桌人 大概15個人  有些舊同事 有些在Ming離職前早就離職的舊同事 甚至有些公司外的朋友 一同為Ming慶生.....   
Emily 遞給了Ming一張生日卡片   一張佈滿著金髮美女的生日賀卡.....   賀卡上有著美女的臉部特寫 屁股特寫 胸部特寫 背部特寫........ 

Emily: "Happy Birthday, Ming!! thats your birthday prersent from all of us......" 

Ming: "Thank you!! thank you guys so much....." 

看了看卡片裡的圖片......不自覺的手指著其中一張圖一下........ 大聲的嚷著.... 

M: "I want this one...!!!

Amenda: "oh Ming.... you even cant see her boobs..... let me chose one for you..... ok.... you might want this boobs and this one for her butt, and this one for her face plus this one for the hair...... how about that??!!" 

M: "Damn!! you are right!!! thats perfect combination, but does such a thing exist????" 

Amenda: "Of course, they do exist!!   But you just cant afford them......I will fucking kill you if you sepnd a single dollar on those women...." 

Ming打開了生日卡 裡面有來自很多人的祝福 還有著將近300塊的現金 這些寶貝蛋 依約地為Ming湊足了機票錢.......  邀請那在2000英里外的Ming回來DC 過生日...... 還好Ming今天眼睛很爭氣 沒掉下男兒的眼淚......... 

在Bravo Bravo 喝完了第一攤 依約前往了 DragonFly 繼續今晚的另一攤 ....  原以為人應該會變少了...... 沒想到竟然還有另一群人 早已在這邊等著Ming的出現.....  這下可慘了更多人了 有喝不完的祝福在等著Ming喝......@@ 
就連喝酒殺手極的 Tu 都來了...... 

沒想到最先發難的竟然是 K....... @@ 

K: "Ming, come over here, just got you the best shot you like......" 

M: "Oh no......@@ SakeBomb?? Gees..... this thing will kill me....." 

K: "Come on..... chug it!!! " 

就這麼一輪接一輪..... 不知不覺的 旁邊多了兩個金頭髮的美女陌生人..... 也不知道為啥的聊了起來..... 對方是兩位來自邁阿密的室內設計師 ...... 彼此互相的交換了名片..... 

XX: "I am an interior designer from Miami.... just here for a business meeting.... what do you do??" 

M: "I am an architect......" 

XX: "Are you working here in DC?? " 

M: "Used to be, but not anymore......" 

XX: "I have been here for couple days.... oh god..... i really hate DC... the buildings here are so boring.... i am not going to do any project here .........." 

M: "Well.... this is capital.... could be a little conservative..... it not too bad though.... you should see what it like in New Mexico....." 

XX: "no, here is sucks...... even if they give me a project, I am not going to take it..... I dont know how you people survive here......I dont know why you end up in New Mexico??!! the middle of fucking nowhere??!! " 

you blond piece of shit; motherfucking gold digger.........
突然有種很想揍人的感覺.......@@ 看我怎麼反擊......you bitch!! 

M: "well..... thats life... shit happens all the time.... Do you know anything about AIA gold Medal??!

XX: "Sure, of course I know...... why??" 

M: "Do you know who won the medal this year???" 

XX: "I heard it was some guy from mid-west...... I dont really know..." 

M: "Yup.....this some guy; he is from New Mexico...." 

XX: "New Mexico?!!? The middle of fucking nowhere?? You gotta be kidding me.... How do you know that?? " 

M: "Because this some guy, Antoine Predock, is my boss!!.......i work for him almost one year since i left DC...." 

XX: "Wow.... impressive....where you went to school??....." 

M: "U.Penn!!!    Graduate School of Fine Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.....  So where you went to school???!   Oh, you can save it.....I dont wanna know....

what a BEAUTIFUL BITCH!!.... boobs are super sexy; face is so damn pretty; butt is fucking gorgeous; just ZERO!! personality! 
Oh yeah... you are so damn good??? 
what are we??? bunch pieces of shit to you in DC?!! 
why dont you just go fuck yourself??!! AND get the fuck out of my face!!! please........@@

瀏覽次數:820    人氣指數:27400    累積鼓勵:1329
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
WorldSeries!! 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 ThxGuys...II
時間:2006-11-13 21:30
她, 38歲,歐洲,教育研究
時間:2006-11-13 01:08
他, 48歲,San Francisco,藝術
時間:2006-11-11 14:48
她, 38歲,歐洲,教育研究
時間:2006-11-07 11:59
她, 41歲,台南市,服務
時間:2006-11-04 22:51
她, 36歲,桃園市,其他
時間:2006-11-04 10:33
她, 35歲,台中市,學生
時間:2006-11-04 05:40
他, 48歲,San Francisco,藝術
時間:2006-11-03 17:09
他, 39歲,Australian Capital Territory,學生
