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 X 的日記本
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篇名: 我就是傻~才這樣渴望著你
作者: X 日期: 2012.09.19  天氣:  心情:

CHANEL N°5 廣告 原影原音 優雅迷離且深遠的的哀怨 屬於藍調的醉意感覺 非常迷人!~
I'm a fool to want you 我就是傻,才這樣渴望著你
I'm a fool to want you 我就是傻,才這樣渴望著你
To want a love that can't be true 渴望著無法實現的愛
A love that's there for others too 一份處處留情的愛
I'm a fool to hold you 我就是傻,才這樣抱著你
Such a fool to hold you 真的好傻,才這樣抱著你
To seek a kiss not mine alone 尋求一個不專屬於我的吻
To share a kiss the Devil has known 分享一個無情的吻
Time and time again I said I'd leave you 一次又一次我說會離開你
Time and time again I went away 一次又一次,我已然離去
But then would come the time when I would need you 然而我總是有需要你的時候
And once again these words I'd have to say 再一次的,我必須說
I'm a fool to want you 我就是傻,才這樣渴望著你
Pity me, I need you 憐憫我吧,我需要你
I know it's wrong, it must be wrong 我知道這是錯的,這一定是個錯誤
But right or wrong I can't get along without you 但不論對錯,如果沒有你,我無法度日
Time and time again I said I'd leave you 一次又一次我說會離開你
Time and time again I went away 一次又一次,我已然離去
But then would come the time when I would need you 然而我總是有需要你的時候
And once again these words I'd have to say 再一次的,我必須說
Take me back, I love you 讓我回到你身邊,我愛你
Pity me, I need you 憐憫我吧,我需要你
I know it's wrong, it must be wrong 我知道這是錯的,這一定是個錯誤
But right or wrong I can't get along without you. 但不論對錯,如果沒有你,我無法度日
瀏覽次數:113    人氣指數:1513    累積鼓勵:70
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