檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2286112
 初心 的日記本
空港 -鄧麗君唱 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 每個人都知道的
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 歌曲分享
作者: 初心 日期: 2011.01.13  天氣:  心情:
Do You Know Where Are You Going To?


Do you know where you re going to (你可知何去何從?)

Do you like the things that life is showing you (人生向你展現的,你喜歡嗎?)

Where are you going to (你將去向何處?)

Do you know (你知道嗎?)

Do you get what you re hoping for (你得到你想要的了嗎?)

When you look behind you there s no open door (當你回頭去看,沒有一扇敞開的門)

What are you hoping for (你希望得到什麼?)

Do you know (你知道嗎?)

Once we were standing still in time (曾經,我們停滯在時間裡)

Chasing the fantasies that filled our minds (追尋著盈溢心中的幻想)

You knew how I loved you (你明白我有多麼愛你)

But my spirit was free laughing (但我的靈魂曾經大笑)

At the questions that you once asked of me (對於那些你問我的問題)

Now looking back at all we planned (現在,回顧你我過去的計劃)

We let so many dreams just slip through our hands (我倆讓太多的夢想從手中溜走)

Why must we wait so long before we see (為什麼等了這麼久才明白)

How sad the answers to those questions can be (那些問題的答案是多麼的可悲)

Do you know where you re going to (你可知何去何從?)

Do you like the things that life is showing you (人生向你展現的,你喜歡嗎?)

Where are you going to (你將去向何處?)

Do you know (你知道嗎?)

Do you get what you re hoping for (你得到你想要的了嗎?)

When you look behind you there s no open door (當你回頭去看,沒有一扇敞開的門)

What are you hoping for (你希望得到什麼?)

Do you know (你知道嗎?)

Once we were standing still in time (曾經,我們停滯在時間裡)

Chasing the fantasies that filled our minds (追尋著盈溢心中的幻想)

You knew how I loved you (你明白我有多麼愛你)

But my spirit was free laughing (但我的靈魂曾經大笑)

At the questions that you once asked of me (對於那些你問我的問題)

Now looking back at all we planned (現在,回顧你我過去的計劃)

We let so many dreams just slip through our hands (我倆讓太多的夢想從手中溜走)

Why must we wait so long before we see (為什麼等了這麼久才明白)

How sad the answers to those questions can be (那些問題的答案是多麼的可悲)

ㄚ薇美女 的這首歌讓我億起年少...[(-*]
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