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 薔薇 的日記本
Almost Lover 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 One More Time
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篇名: When You Told M
作者: 薔薇 日期: 2014.07.25  天氣:  心情:

Once 一次

Doesn't mean anything to me 並不代表什麼

Come 來吧

Show me the meaning of complete 讓我看看完整的意思

Where 是哪裡

Did our love go wrong 我們的愛出了錯

Once we were so strong 曾經我們是如此相愛

How can I go on? 現在我該如何繼續

When you told me you loved me 當你說愛我時

Did you know it would take me the rest of my life 可知這會讓我花上半輩子

to get over the feeling of knowing 去走出心知

a dream didn't turn out right 夢碎的感覺

When you let me believe that you weren't complete 當你讓我相信說,你不再是一個完整的人

without me by your side 如果我不在你身邊時

How could I know 那我怎麼會想到

that you would go 你還是會離開

that you would run 你還是會跑走

Baby, I thought you were the one 寶貝啊,我還以為你是我的唯一

Why 為什麼

Can't I just leave it all behind 我就是不能拋開這一切

I 我

Felt passion so bright that I was blind 那時只覺得熱情如火,以致於變得盲目

Then 然後

Something made me weak 有些話讓我變脆弱了

talking in my sleep 那些你在我睡時所說的

Baby, I'm in so deep and you know I believed 寶貝,我是陷得如此深,而你也知道當時我深信不疑

When you told me you loved me 當你說愛我時

Did you know it would take me the rest of my life 可知這會讓我花上半輩子

to get over the feeling of knowing 去走出心知

a dream didn't turn out right 夢碎的感覺

When you let me believe that you weren't complete 當你讓我相信說,你不再是一個完整的人

without me by your side 如果我不在你身邊時

How could I know 那我怎麼會想到

that you would go 你還是會離開

that you would run 你還是會跑走

Baby, I thought you were the one 寶貝啊,我還以為你是我的唯一

Your lips 你的雙唇

Your face 你的臉龐

Something that time just can't erase 那些連時間也無法抹去的東西

My heart 我的心

could break 會破碎

all over again 又再一次地

When you told me you loved me 當你說愛我時

Did you know it would take me the rest of my life 可知這會讓我花上半輩子

to get over the feeling of knowing 去走出心知

a dream didn't turn out right 夢碎的感覺

When you let me believe that you weren't complete 當你讓我相信說,你不再是一個完整的人

without me by your side 如果我不在你身邊時

How could I know 那我怎麼會想到

that you would go 你還是會離開

that you would run 你還是會跑走

Baby, I thought you were the one 寶貝啊,我還以為你是我的唯一
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Almost Lover 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 One More Time