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 薔薇 的日記本
找一個養你的男人 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 What If I Said
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篇名: Long Lost Child
作者: 薔薇 日期: 2016.01.13  天氣:  心情:


Long lost child出自華德迪士尼.

他曾說過, Everyone was once a child. 用失落已久的小孩比喻失去的赤子之心.

類似的格言:Everyone has a child inside. 每個人心裡都有小孩!

Mindy Gledhill用童話場景的比喻方式,找尋自己心中小時候的模樣,





Deep within my memory
Where the grass grows to my knees
Where sparrows sing, and all creation speaks to me.

Where clouds rain in noonday sky
With castles, kings, and queens
Where hopes and dreams, and angels' wings are common things

A long lost child falls behind
And now she is miles and miles from the present time
And just like the birds that fly across the sky
She's been away awhile
Oh, but I will find her, free from all guile
Beautifully wild
Long lost child

Across the Swanee River
And down in Golden Glen
I saw her face, but I can't quite remember when

It's a game of hide and seeking
So tell me, where'd she go?
Perhaps if I inquire, the Brothers Grimm may know?

Oh, a long lost child left behind
She must be miles and miles from the present time
And just like the birds that fly across the sky
She's been away awhile
Oh, but I will find her, free from all guile
Beautifully wild
Long lost child

Oh, long lost child left behind
You must be miles and miles from the present time
And just like the birds that fly across the sky
You've been away awhile
Oh, but I will find you, free from all guile
Beautifully wild
Long lost child
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