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 薔薇 的日記本
Simply Falling 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Perhaps Love
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: You Know I'm No
作者: 薔薇 日期: 2014.07.25  天氣:  心情:

Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard 在酒吧的樓下遇見你並聽聞
Your rolled up sleeves and your skull t-shirt 你曾氣地捲起袖子及身上的有骷髏頭的T裇
You say why did you do it with him today? 你質問為何妳今天與前男友燕好?
And sniff me out like I was Tanqueray 而如對英國Tanqueray琴酒般猛聞我身上味道

Cause you're my fella, my guy 只因你是我的情郎,我的男人
Hand me your stella and fly將你的星星項鍊交還給我,並且飛奔出去
By the time I'm out the door 在我走出這酒吧門之前
You tear me down like roger moore
I cheated myself我自欺
Like I knew I would 以為我會得到你心
I told ya, I was troubled 我曾跟你坦白,我正為情所困
You know that I'm no good 你也知道我並不是好女孩

Upstairs in bed, with my ex boy, 在樓上的床上,與我前男友
He's in the place, but I cant get joy, 他是睡在我側,但我不能感到愉悅
Thinking of you in the final throws, this is when my buzzer goes 在最後激情時想到的是你,這正是我不禁呻吟之時所想.

Run out to meet your chips and pita跑出來遇到你無事地正用餐 (薯條及皮塔餅)
You say when we're married cause you’re not bitter你問我與前男友何時結婚,因為你不再愛恨忌妬
There'll be none of him no more 其實我心中根本已不再有他的存在
I cried for you on the kitchen floor躲在這廚房地板上,為了你而哭泣

I cheated myself 我自欺
Like I knew I would以為我會得到你心
I told ya, I was troubled我曾跟你坦白,我正為情所困
You know that I'm no good你也知道我並不是好女孩

Sweet reunion, jamaica and spain 甜美的復合,如秦晉之好
Were like how we were again足以形容彼此又多恩愛
I'm in the tub you’re on the seat 我躶躺在浴室的浴盆中,而你坐在馬桶上
Lick your lips as I soak my feet 當我浸抹玉腳時,你不禁舔唇難耐.

Then you notice little carpet burn就在此際,你注意到我不貞的地方
My stomach drops and my guts churn 我心驚膽顫不知所措,以為你會很在乎
You shrug and it's the worst 而你卻聳肩不在乎,而最糟是
To truly stuck the knife in first 你的不在乎如尖刀般當場實實在在地插入我心

I cheated myself like I knew I would我自欺以為我會得到你心
I told ya I was troubled, you know that I'm no good我曾跟你坦白,我正為情所困, 你也知道我並不是好女孩
I cheated myself, like I knew I would我自欺以為我會得到你心
I told ya I was troubled, yeah ya know that I'm no good我曾跟你坦白,我正為情所困, 你也知道我並不是好女孩
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Simply Falling 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Perhaps Love