檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1961896
 wayne 的日記本
蜘蛛琴 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 從<巨流河>到<洄瀾>
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篇名: Big Puzzle
作者: wayne 日期: 2014.01.23  天氣:  心情:
3G or 4G stands for 3rd or 4th generation of Internet connection or mobile telecommunications technology.

3G, 4G ...
3居, 4居 ...

For the life of me, I don't know why many people in Taiwan, including all, and I mean ALL, TV news broadcasters and cell phone salespersons, pronounce G as 居 when it comes to this new technology.
瀏覽次數:244    人氣指數:1464    累積鼓勵:61
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
蜘蛛琴 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 從<巨流河>到<洄瀾>
時間:2014-02-11 02:04
她, 43歲,新北市,農漁牧
作者回覆說[2014-02-12 12:06]:

若告訴老外<人>唸作zern, 那也會較唸ren好得多

時間:2014-02-01 05:22
她, 70歲,Boston,政府機關
時間:2014-01-26 08:52
她, 70歲,Boston,政府機關
作者回覆說[2014-02-13 16:44]:

in TWN students begin learning english while in primary schools: in schools/補習班/家教. lots of emphasis on d importance of learning english. but d result isn t so good. the reasons r 1 many teachers aren t that good themselves in mastering d language, & 2 the teaching methods r inappropriate

時間:2014-01-26 08:47
她, 70歲,Boston,政府機關
作者回覆說[2014-01-29 00:53]:

not those that i know. they pronounce it correctly.

時間:2014-01-24 08:19
她, 40歲,彰化縣,其他
作者回覆說[2014-01-24 13:01]:

So you noticed that too.
I m sure there s an explanation but I wonder what that could be.
