上線狀態:    住戶編號:1961896
 wayne 的檔案 瀏覽說明
公寓造型 / 本人照片
交友編號: 1961896  
瀏覽次數: 94234
人氣指數: 105046
友好指數: 68
更新日期: 2022-02-09 01:30
上次上站: 隱藏上站時間
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Bg5igi8FxkQ https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AbaXulOHy3E ...
轉述: 美國經濟實況
People need to look under the hood of the economy. The engine is not running on premium gasoline in the form of savings but rotting ethanol in the for ... ...
暱 稱: wayne 性 別: 男生  
年 齡: 92 歲 星 座: 摩羯座
身 高: 171cm(5'8") 血 型: O型
體 重: 70kg(154lbs) 職 業: 其他
感 情: 離婚
  現  居 住: 台灣> 台北市
  家  鄉: 台灣> 花蓮縣 > 花蓮市
  收  入: 10000元以下
  抽  煙: 從來不抽
  飲  酒: 偶爾小酌
  個  性: 獨立的
  信  仰: 基督教
  學  歷: 國中以下
  學  校:
國民小學: 花蓮縣 > 縣立明義國小
  自我介紹 檢舉自介
昏昏入睡後, 藍色的夢, 長出七彩的羽翼, 緩緩飛向遠方...

I may dream a bit, mumble a bit, or be inquisitive or critical a bit. But I m only human. Don t hold that against me.

I have no bad features...but if you insist, my teeth then.

In late 80s, I thought it d be great to be a fund manager, and even dreamed of becoming one. Later I had a slightly different opinion. 有詩為證:

******THE FUND MANAGER******

as Nasdaq continues to decline
you better call up your client
assure him everything is fine
though market isn't exactly flying
shout n scream he probably may
but to him you calmly say
soon as Dow stops its dive one day
the bull market would come back n stay
there ll be tons of money to be made
and your worries would quickly fade
with your profit made and my fees paid
nobody has to jump into a lake

我不愛出門, 他們說我無趣, 不是我無趣, 是外面趣事不多. Believe me, I m no loner, lone wolf, or lone star.

我是一個知識不多的知識份子, 也是一個理想不高的理想主義者.

工作是為生活, 說到興趣, 我真正的興趣是談戀愛.
工作單純人麻煩, 所以也難得談幾次戀愛.


Every once in a while, I d rewrite my self introduction. It s best I post the earlier ones before I forget them all myself.

A fine day, a friend, and a cup of coffee, would make me feel dandy...like a piece of candy.

If you are that lone star out there tonight, then like Norah Jones sings: I think I d give anything...for you to shine down on me.

I have a lot to tell...only if you are interested.

淡淡的 沒什麼味道
但也無需立刻將我 write off
偶而 我還是有趣的

I m in agricultural finance. I grow trees, the second loveliest kind, money trees.

While not tending to trees, I listen to music among other things: pop, rock, bluegrass, country, folk, etc. And classical too. Yeah, I m ancient.

If you are an experienced technical trader, message me. We ll compare notes.

Oh, those who know how to grow sweet heart trees,
please...please let me know.

I like music, from Bach to Brahms, Elvis to Norah Jones, Classical to Country, Rock n Roll to R&B and from 周璇 to 陶喆. I have no bias, but I do have taste when it comes to music. OK, enough bragging.

When I drive, I d listen to Brahms cello sonatas, Chopin s mazurkas, Patsy Cline s "Crazy" and "The Wayward Wind"...or I can t help shake and twist a little in my seat when they play on radio the good old Rock n Roll.

So next time I go for a ride would you like to sit beside me and together hum, sing, and even shake along with music to our hearts content?

Worry not. I don t practice reckless driving.


Is your productivity mortgaging your physical and mental well-being?

Is your achievement, if any, mortgaging all the joy and fun you so deserve?


若只用一句話介紹自己, 那麼, 呃...



In front of Stanford University, January 2011

照片 2:
Dallas Aboretum, March 2010

照片 3:
A weed is also a flower: Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes

照片 4:

照片 5:
  年齡要求: 10~99歲
  身高要求: 100cm(3'4")~200cm(6'7")
  體重要求: 30kg(66lbs)~150kg(330lbs)
  學歷要求: 不拘
  個性要求: 不拘
  希望交往關係: 不拘