上線狀態:    住戶編號:4392513
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公寓造型 / 本人照片
交友編號: 4392513  
瀏覽次數: 1341
人氣指數: 2295
友好指數: 6
更新日期: 2016-12-30 19:20
上次上站: 2017-05-29 23:59
現在的我想要相愛是一件不容易的事了。幸運的是我曾經嚐過人生中甜蜜無比愛情。年輕的悸動深刻的在我心裡揮之不去。也因如此拔除是如此的痛苦不堪。沉澱的這兩年多催眠自己忘記過去的回憶。是的。時間真的沖淡了心中的那個感覺。那就是愛情。只是曾經剝離靈魂的過程經驗,把我弄得不再懂得喜歡上女人,甚至愛上一個女人。或 ... ...
下午偷閒去北投泡湯。泡湯同時,一個台灣的歐吉桑劈頭對我說一堆日語。我笑了笑說:“思里馬誰” I am taiwanesse呢。結果阿伯用台語說還以為我是日本人,就用日文問候。想到上次去曼谷,我也被認為是韓國人。可見得我真的長的不是很像台灣人。 ...
暱 稱: 狄恩 性 別: 男生  
年 齡: 47 歲 星 座: 射手座
身 高: 174cm(5'9") 血 型: B型
體 重: 68kg(149lbs) 職 業: 製造/供應商
感 情: 離婚
  現  居 住: 台灣> 新北市 > 汐止區
  家  鄉: 台灣> 新北市 > 汐止區
  收  入: 50000元-100000元
  抽  煙: 需要才抽
  飲  酒: 滴酒不沾
  個  性: 熱心的,開朗的,謙虛的,幽默的,率直的
  信  仰:
  學  歷: 碩士
  學  校:
國民小學: 台北縣 > 縣立汐止國小
國民中學: 台北縣 > 其他
高中 / 職: 基隆市 > 國立基隆商工
大專院校: 科技大學 > 萬能科技大學
碩  士: 科技大學 > 台北科技大學
  自我介紹 檢舉自介


Englsh Autobiography

The Design Element Has Stared to Turn Around My Potential Mind

From childhood, I was very exhausting arts. When I was a student in the junior high school. In the several times, my parents and teachers encouraged me to participate in some competition. On fortune of those competition, I got some praise. Perhaps in those lucky context, "Design" was growing in my mind.

From Working Practice to Art Design Field

Graduated the junior high school, I smoothly passed an entrance examination in Fu-Hsin Trade and Arts school of the arts department. Because economic pressure while I was in the half first-semester end. I chose to take semester off one year. In that year, my parents guided me into building model occupation. In that happy building model world, I learned a lot of skills and know how. For example, I learned how to make the product of modeling house by material of PMMA, PET, spray painting skill, make to simulate housing surrounding by plastic material, iron sheet, wood and so on. For those reason why, when I entered Army and fortunately had a opportunity to get political warfare of art work. In those two years, I was again very fortunately knew a group of art teachers in my army life.

Keep Art Design Working and Going to School in The Same Time

Left the army life, with my family encouraged and supported on my interesting. I got a art design job in the department store by chance. After a half of year, In order to improve myself on art culture and design skill. I passed an entrance examination in Vanung College School of the night business design department. In the school, I very cherished the time to learn about any art design culture and any design skills on the computer to improve my ability. Therefore, I fortunately got most every year of scholarship in the school.

Practice and Theory in Design Research Integrated of The Way

After three years from graduated the college School. Under my family supported, I passed an entrance examination in National Taipei University of Technology of the Master Program of Innovation and Design department at night. As a result of working in day and studied in night, I was efficiently distributed my time in family, working and school. Therefore, I had to be concentrated following professors taught on design theory, research method and frequently discussed with my master professor about my thesis. So, I smoothly and quickly graduated in one year and a half. From the several design practice of years across by researched in design theory. Let me more elegant in design logical thinking.

The Humble Studying Is the Best of Growing Element

Review the past of working and studying in my life. Time is very precious to me. And I usual carefully distribute to my resources on every thing. By my life process, I got a lot of approval and praise from my family and so on. As those reason why, I mostly be proud myself with felt very well and resulting in lost original myself. Than I found the humility, positive, enthusiastic of factor keep away from my original character. But I very appreciate my family and so on to give me a lot of help and patience. Gradually let me to find myself and continue to correct my character. Finally, the proverb of "Modest Benefit" is my the best motto.
  年齡要求: 30~40歲
  身高要求: 158cm(5'3")~168cm(5'6")
  體重要求: 45kg(99lbs)~55kg(121lbs)
  學歷要求: 不拘
  信仰要求: 不拘
  個性要求: 誠實的,善良的,有耐心的
  希望交往關係: 談心好友,男女朋友,同好搭檔
國語流行西洋流行電影配樂爵士藍調古典音樂New Age張學友動畫漫畫劇情片喜劇片動畫片科幻片皮克斯動畫工作室魔戒紀錄片美食烹飪流行時尚籃球NBA撞球保齡球遊山玩水旅遊休閒日本台灣中國藝術設計電玩遊戲電腦網路聊天哈拉吃喝玩樂兜風閒晃大自然旅行繪畫漫畫動畫史地傳記最後14堂星期二的課哈利波特村上春樹魔戒金庸鳥山明火影忍者星際大戰巧克力蛋糕義大利菜鼎泰豐牛排日本料理生魚片Pizza烤羊排感情生活浪漫夜晚巧克力星爺電影宮崎駿相聲瓦舍泡湯溫泉古典鋼琴樂鋼琴喜歡去看風景游泳灌籃高手火鍋港式茶點勵志心理哲學海鮮日本文化素食養食看電影歷史小說幾米唸佛韓式料理海邊只要好吃就是美食漫畫三國演義歷史余秋雨歷史文化侯文詠設計師日本歷史佛經